Round two of "What we're reading this week" is upon us. I thought I would include what we're reading during our family devotion time in the evenings. This book is incredible. It's devotions based on science and how absolutely remarkable God's creation is. We've been doing this nightly since the summer and everyone loves it. We're almost to the end, but I'm keeping this one to go back through again in a year or two.
You guys!!!! I had this book when I was little and I came across it at a thrift store sometime last year. I pulled it out and the kids are getting a real kick out of it. They love reading one or two of these silly poems after our devotion every night. Seriously-this is a good one to introduce your littles to poetry and rhyming.
Lily's been working her way through Nancy Drew graphic novels this week. I think this is her second one since we left the Library yesterday. hehe She's decided she really likes mysteries and will continue to pursue this genre! I love when they find something they really like to read!
This is my read this week. Its a tough one guys, I'm not going to lie. It's full of triggers so if you're prone to set backs, this might not be your book. I was studying psychology when I met my husband in college and I am truly fascinated about what makes people who they are. I'm curious about how others live, feel, and think. I want to know what makes people, at their core, who they are. Because of this, this book caught my eye. I never imagined I would relate to it as much as I have though. It's been tough to read at times, but also really made me think. This is a well written, fast paced book. I would highly recommend it to people who are confident it won't set them back in their own psychological health.
Weston is a reader. Through and through. He read these top three books today during his snow day. This is a series he found at the library yesterday and they're an easy read and apparently funny.
This is the other series Weston has been really loving. I've been requesting them from the library and he will finish one in about 30 minutes as soon as I bring it home! He laughs out loud to these books and Lily usually reads them as well and they walk around quoting funny bits from them like you would quote a line from a movie! Love it!
Norah discovered Winnie the Pooh recently and we've been working our way through these stories. I'm amazed how still she will sit and really study the pictures and listen intently while I read. You can't go wrong with a good old classic like Winnie the Pooh!